If you have thin legs, you can build muscle through exercise. Remember, exercise alone is not enough: you need to follow the right daily habits, coupled with a healthy diet. This article will introduce some ways to strengthen your leg muscles.
Leg Exercise
Barbell Squat. This is the simplest and most effective way to build muscle, as it activates most of the muscles in your legs. The weight of the selected barbell should be enough to lift 10-12 times.
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Squat down with your knees bent so your thighs are parallel to the floor.
- Hold for 10 seconds.
- Push back.
- Repeat 10-12 times.
Leg stretches. Set the weight loaded on the leg extension machine to a level that allows you to perform about 10 consecutive reps.
- Bend your knees on a leg extension machine with your feet under the bar.
- Straighten your leg to take the weight, then lower it.
- Repeat 10-12 times.
Do standing leg curls. You will need to use a leg curl machine and do weight exercises by strapping your ankles. Set the weight so that you can do it about 10 times in a row.
- Use the safety belt to hold onto your ankles.
- Grasp the support pole with both hands.
- Bend your knees to your butt to bear the weight. Straighten your legs and return your feet to the floor.
- Repeat 10-12 times, then switch to the other foot.
Do lying leg curls. This exercise works the leg muscles from a different angle. Set the weight so that you can do it about 10 times in a row.
- Face down and extend your legs straight on the bench, placing your ankles under the bar.
- Bend your knees and lift the bar.
- Repeat 10-12 times.
Straight leg deadlift. This exercise activates your hamstrings and strengthens them. The weight of the barbell should be enough to be lifted 10 times in a row.
- Adjust the distance between your feet to shoulder width.
- Bend over, straighten your legs, and grab the barbell with your hands.
- Keeping your legs still, raise the barbell to your thighs.
- Return the barbell to the ground.
- Repeat 10-12 times.
Use techniques to build muscles
Focus on intensity. Even if you exercise regularly, if the intensity is not controlled correctly, you will not be able to build good muscles. To build muscles more efficiently, previous muscle fibers need to be broken down and new, thicker, and stronger muscle fibers need to grow back. This requires you to do your best every time.
- The weight of each exercise is based on a maximum of 10 consecutive repetitions. If you can lift it 15 times easily, it’s too light, and if you can’t lift it more than five times in a row, it’s too heavy.
- Over time, you need to keep adding weight to maintain strength. If you don’t continue to add weight, your muscles will stagnate.
Explosive exercises. Working out quickly with bursts of energy can build muscle. This way you can do it more times. Speeding up your workout will increase the intensity of your workout compared to working out slowly.
Don’t plateau. You need to vary your workout routine every other week so your muscles don’t stop growing as they get used to the same workouts. Keeping your muscles “changing” will cause them to continue to break down and grow stronger muscles.
- If you do leg bends, leg extensions, and leg curls with high intensity this week, then next week you should do straight-leg deadlifts and leg-bent exercises.
- Adding weight is another way to prevent plateauing. So you have to make sure not to stop at a very light level and repeat the exercise.
Stay relaxed while exercising. When not exercising, muscles need time to rest and repair. You can exercise continuously but don’t do exercises that put too much pressure on your legs.
- If you want to exercise your legs, try swimming, walking, playing basketball, or tennis.
- Get enough sleep to allow your body to fully repair.
Pay Attention to Diet
Eat high-calorie foods. The growth of leg muscles requires a large amount of heat supply. Eating high-quality food is nutritious for the body and makes you feel full.
- Meat, grains, beans, vegetables, fruits, nuts, etc. are all great for muscle growth.
- Building muscles requires a lot of calories, and you need to eat at least 5 large meals a day.
- Avoid fast food, cakes, cookies, potato chips, and other snacks as these are not good for building muscle.
Eat lots of protein. Protein is essential for building muscle, so make sure you eat enough protein at every meal. Beef, pork, chicken, fish, and lamb are all good choices. If you don’t want to eat too much meat, eggs and beans can be used as alternatives.
Try mycotrophin. Some people have found that myosin can accelerate muscle growth. Myosin is a nitrogen-containing organic acid rich in vegetables that can provide energy for muscles and cells in the body. Contributes to the production of adenosine triphosphate.
- Myosin comes in powder form. Drink with water 2-3 times a day.
- Long-term consumption of 20g of muscle hormone is very safe. You can drink it according to the instructions.
- Work out the right way and do your best every time and your muscles will grow.
- If you’ve never used a barbell before, talk to a therapist or personal trainer to make sure you’re doing it properly.
- If you have never exercised before or if you have a chronic medical condition, you should inform your doctor before exercising. Sometimes some necessary exercise is harmful to your body.