Muscle Growth and Strength Building: Practical Methods to Help You Achieve Your Fitness Goals
If you want to increase muscle mass and strength, here’s a workout that increases overall muscle mass by strengthening different parts of your body. Follow a diet focused on building muscle, or consider taking supplements to help you get stronger faster. Here’s a brief introduction on how to get started.
Maintain a Tall, Strong Physique
Monitor your progress. As you start to gain strength and build muscle, record how much weight you gain, how much weight you can lift, and what repetitions you do week after week. This will help you figure out what training is and isn’t working for you, and then help you develop a regular exercise routine.
- If you find that training a certain muscle group is not achieving significant results, change your training methods to see if other methods are more effective.
- Change your diet if necessary to help you lose weight and gain muscle. Experiment with different ratios of protein, fat, and carbohydrates to find a balance that helps you achieve weight and health.
Get lots of rest. When you’re in training mode, it can be hard to remember how important rest between sets is. Your body needs time to repair itself after exercise. Don’t push yourself too hard, or you’ll find yourself sitting on the couch with a strained muscle instead of maxing out in the gym.
- Good sleep is another important aspect of gaining muscle mass and strength healthily. Try to get 7-8 hours of sleep a day.
Do Exercises That Build Muscle Mass
Exercise your legs with squats. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, then pick up the barbell with both hands and raise it over your shoulders. Lean forward slightly, keeping your head back and knees bent until your legs are parallel to the floor. Slowly lift to the starting position.
- Do 3-4 sets of 6-8 reps each. Rest approximately 45 seconds between each set.
- To make the exercise more difficult, lift the barbell vertically from your chest and then squat to lift it out from your body rather than to your shoulders. This will also exercise your arms.
Strengthen your back muscles by lifting weights. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and place the barbell on the floor at your sides. Bend at the waist, pick up the bar, and lift to a standing position. Then slowly lower the barbell back to the ground.
- Do 3-4 sets of 6-8 reps. Rest approximately 45 seconds between each set.
- To make the exercise more difficult, bend over, pick up the dumbbell, and raise it to a standing position, then raise the dumbbell to your chest and overhead, then lower the dumbbell back to your chest and lower it again. Lower the dumbbells toward your body again. Then bend over and lower the dumbbells to the floor.
Do pull-ups to strengthen your arms. Place your hands on the bar, palms facing toward you. Cross your legs back and pull your body up until your chin passes the bar, then slowly lower your body back to the starting position.
- Do 3-4 sets of 6-8 reps each. Rest approximately 45 seconds between each set.
- To make the training more difficult, wear a weighted belt around your waist. As your muscle strength increases, increase the weight accordingly.
Do barbell bench press exercises to strengthen your chest muscles. Lie on an exercise bench with your feet flat on the floor. Hold a barbell or two dumbbells in a resting position on your chest. Lift the barbell overhead, straightening your arms and elbows. Then lower the barbell to your chest.
- Do 3-4 sets of 6-8 reps each. Rest approximately 45 seconds between each set.
- Avoid using a heavy barbell when you perform barbell bench press exercises. The key is to use your chest muscles instead of brute force or using your leg muscles to press the weight.
Use an Effective Training Strategy
Lift weights two to three times a week. Your goal is to increase muscle mass and strength, and training every day is counterproductive. Your muscles need a chance to repair themselves between training intervals. Without enough rest, you won’t achieve the body mass you want.
- As your body mass improves, you may even be able to cut back on exercise more because you’ll need longer periods of rest to repair large muscles.
- When you have a day without weight training, you can still engage in other physical activities. Do aerobic exercises like running, swimming, biking, or even walking to make sure you’re moving.
Keep training sessions short. There’s no need to train for hours at a time if you train for too long, you may damage your muscles, resulting in forced rest. Training should last from half an hour to an hour.
Train different muscle groups on different days. Rather than working your entire body during each training session, it’s a good idea to spread out your training among muscle groups so that certain parts of your body have time to rest while the rest can continue working. Create a training plan and stick to it, so be careful not to overtrain a certain muscle group.
Exercise to the extreme. Bodybuilders find that short bursts of concentrated exercise provide better gains in muscle mass and strength than simply longer periods of exercise. “Exercise maxing out” means performing an exercise until you can no longer perform physiological repetitions. For each of your muscle groups to complete this workout effectively, you need to exercise it to the limit with appropriate lifts.
- To find your lifting limit, choose a weight that you can repeat 6-8 times before your muscles reach their limit. If you can do 10 reps without sweating too much or feeling too tired, you need to increase the weight. If you can’t even do 1-2 reps correctly, reduce the weight.
- Trying to lift too much weight before you’re strong enough can damage your muscles, which is also counterproductive. Start at your training limit with the weight and give your muscles time to build strength. Soon you will find that the weight you are using is too easy for you; when this happens, increase the weight by 2 to 4.5 kg until you are back to only doing 6-8 reps.
Use the right training methods. Another important aspect of gaining strength and muscle is using the right exercise methods. If you don’t do this, you risk muscle damage and won’t be able to train effectively. Keep these instructions in mind during training:
- Fully extend your arms and legs with each lift. Unlike bent elbows and knees, fully extending your arms and legs will make the exercise harder.
- You should use the correct technique to complete each exercise. For example, if you can’t fully extend your arms to lift the barbell overhead, you should probably try a lighter weight.
- Don’t use brute force to lift your barbell and swing it from side to side. Lift with controlled, steady movements. Slowly raise the bars back to the starting position without letting them drop.
Diet for Improving Muscle Strength
Eat lots of protein. Muscles need protein to become stronger and stronger, and when you’re building muscle every week, you need to eat plenty of protein-rich foods to fuel your muscles. Protein sources can be creative, and not all energy must come from meat.
- Chicken, fish, beef, pork, and other meat products are all excellent sources of protein. Other animal products like chicken or duck eggs are also good choices.
- Almonds, walnuts, leafy greens, beans, and other vegetables also contain protein.
- Soy products like tofu can also meet protein intake requirements.
Get your calories from healthy sources. Eating foods that cause your body to produce fat will make your muscles look big but not strong. You need to lower the fat layer between the muscles and skin to see better results.
- Avoid fried foods, snacks, fast food, and other high-calorie, low-nutrient foods.
- Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and other healthy sources of calories.
Supplement your diet. Many bodybuilders supplement their fitness efforts with a variety of different muscle-strengthening products. Creatine supplements are a popular option and have been shown to have no negative side effects for building muscle. Supplements are available in powder form and should be taken several times a day for best results.
- Avoid trusting supplements that claim to help you gain a certain amount of weight in a certain period. Everyone’s body is different, and a product that claims to magically build muscle is likely a scam.
- Drink lots of water.
- Don’t neglect diet and exercise.